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How Tutoring Helps

There are many reasons parents choose tutoring for their son or daughter. Some parents feel unable to help their children with schoolwork. Others may find their children are more receptive to working with another person. 

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 Chicagoland Tutor Libertyville Lake County, IL 60048

Tutoring can help strengthen subject comprehension, boost confidence, and build important learning skills.  Tutoring gives students individualized attention that they don’t get in a crowded classroom. A tutor helps students who struggle to keep up, as well as those who aren’t challenged enough.

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The Summer Gap

Summer learning loss is the loss of academic skills and knowledge over the course of summer break. The loss in learning varies across grade level and subject matter. A common finding across numerous studies is that on average, students score lower on standardized tests at the end of the summer than they do at the beginning of summer (on the same test). According to recent studies, summer loss for all students is estimated to be equal to about one month, but this varies across subject matter. Tutoring also keeps students on track during winter, spring, and summer breaks from school.

Tutoring for Adult Learners

Adults students are often more comfortable working with an individual tutor rather than enrolling in general college courses or adult continuing education classes. Adult learners want the ability to customize meeting times that fit their busy schedules and work on very specific skill sets, benefits that classroom settings usually cannot provide.

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Lifetime Benefits

Tutoring programs can help the student develop study, learning, and problem-solving skills that will help teach students for successful behaviors that will continue throughout their lives.

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Individual and Unique Learning Experience

Students will receive an individualized learning experience they can’t always get in a classroom setting. Tutors can customize lessons and activities for the student and quickly adapt to accommodate upcoming quizzes, final exams, assigned essays, or other school deadlines.

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One-on-One Attention

Tutors get to know a student's individual learning style and can adapt teaching methods accordingly. Tutors act as the student's own private teacher.

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 Chicagoland Tutor Libertyville Lake County, IL 60048

Improves Academic Performance

Tutoring will prepare students for quizzes, tests, and final exams and work on specific problem areas. 

As a result, a student's grades and understanding of subject matter will significantly improve.

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Improves Attitude towards Learning and School

Learning will become fun. Tutors provide constant encouragement and praise, and a student no longer feels overwhelmed or frustrated with school.

Encourages Self-Paced and Self-Directed Learning

With tutoring, a student will learn to take the initiative with his or her school work. The student will also become more organized and learn how to control the learning pace.

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Improves Self-Esteem and Confidence

A student's self-esteem and confidence will increase. Tutoring will provide students with the resources and skills they need to excel in school.

Improves Work and Study Habits 

Through tutoring, students will learn work and study habits they will use for life. These skills will help prepare students to successfully achieve their goals both inside and outside of school.

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Positive Work Space

Tutoring provides an environment free of distractions, with fewer students and disruptions around so the student is better able to focus on learning.

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Encourages Independence and Responsibility

Students will gain the ability to do school work on their own, without parents' help. Students will realize their own personal growth and will learn to take responsibility for their studies.

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Helps Overcome Learning Obstacles

A tutor will specifically target whichever aspect of learning the student is having troubles with, whether it’s writing, math, language, reading, or speaking.

Encourages the Freedom to Ask Questions

At school, students may not always feel comfortable asking questions in front of their peers and teachers. Tutoring will help teach students to be comfortable asking questions, big or small, without feeling self-conscious.

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College Classroom

Improves Social and Behavioral Skills

Tutoring services will help students become better communicators, form better relationships with peers, and make positive social and behavioral adjustments.

Increases Ability to Manage One’s Learning

Students become more competent in their learning and more successful in managing their school work.

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 Chicagoland Tutor Libertyville Lake County, IL 60048

Challenges Those Who Need It

Tutoring helps bored or under-stimulated students reach their full potential.

Prepares for College

Students heading off to college will learn how to create study plans, develop advanced study skills, and learn superior time management skills. There are numerous benefits of tutoring in college, including reinforcement of existing knowledge and gaining a better understanding of a field of study.

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 Chicagoland Tutor Libertyville Lake County, IL 60048
Professional Tutoring Services Libertyville, IL, Lake County, IL Chicagoland Tutor 60048
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